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Hang Sorter

Equinox HANG SORTER systems can sort products at up to 10.000 sorts per induction point per hour. Synchronized hang sorterspindle, hook separator and double hanger detection for easy and efficient induction of your products are part of the standard installation. Automatic scanning of garments and/or separation-hangers with pre-induction are also available.

The HANG SORTER is designed for sorting single hanging garments on mixed types of hangers. Various system types are available to best suit your specific needs. Our in-house experts will analyze your needs and select the system which best suits your business.

The system is built up from standard modules which can be combined
to best suit any particular application. The system is highly flexible with endless layout configurations available to maximize the efficiency of your building.


Areas of application Retail distribution, mail and parcel sorting centers, mail-order companies.
Products Hanging goods: garments, curtains, etc.
Product dimensions Normal garments. Other applications on request
Product weight Maximum: 15 kg
Minimum: 0.2 kg
Capacity From 6,000 to 12,000 items/hour