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Conveyor control system. Starsort

StarSort is an integrated hardware and software system that controls Material Handling Equipment (MHE) in distribution centers.

Conveyors, merges, carton, trolley and piece sorters, and many other types of equipment can all be controlled with StarSort.

StarSort provides a single, unified, scalable solution to MHE requirements in the modern distribution center.starsort_logo

Being a single solution, only one software package is required to control multiple types of equipment. As a unified solution StarSort modules work together and with other Equinox systems seamlessly.

As a modular system StarSort is scalable – additional modules can be plugged into the system as the need arises and existing modules can be easily expanded to meet changing needs and accommodate growth.

StarSort provides the operator a clear view into the control process with the StarGaze user interface. All StarSort modules can be monitored and controlled from a single workstation.

StarSort characteristics