RFID technology, as a more sophisticated and reliable, replaces bar codes rapidly. Our company pays special attention to the use of RFID technology in logistics centers and warehouses or manufacturers. Using RFID technology we can significantly improve logistical processes.
Possible use of RFID technology is automatic identification of people and/or objects. Information about the object in electronic form comes together with the object (for example, it could be a box of goods, where the active RFID indicator fits size boxes, what goods, the quantity, weight, etc.
Monitoring of passage (doors, gates), the most popular choices, checking the goods being shipped from a warehouse and labeling of the storage and collection. To test the goods this way the most effective, especially when goods are shipped reusable, returning in the same container at the warehouse. In logistics centers and warehouses, where there are most difficult conditions: winter or high temperatures, high humidity, harmful substances, the marking of places is trusted to RFID technology. This guarantees the exact location of goods for storage and picking.
RFID technology can significantly improve logistics processes. Therefore, Equinox pays more attention to the usage of RFID technology in warehouses and logistics centers, as well as in production warehouses.
While proposing implementation of RFID technology, first of all we need very clearly identify and define client’s needs and objectives that must be achieved. This is necessary for proper RFID technology proposal preparation and, most important, for efficient warehouse processes.
Possible implementation areas of RFID technology:
Identification of goods. Especially effective when RFID tags are used throughout the logistical chain
Tare identification (conveyor systems, terminals)
Access control, employees
Automated handling equipment positioning. Especially under rug conditions: low or high temperature, high weeping, hazardous materials and so on.
RFID technology in Lithuania is also spreading, the most popular solutions – verification of loaded goods, marking storage and picking areas. Such solution is very effective in verification of goods, when goods are shipped in reusable tare in and from warehouse.
The usage of RFID systems:
LF (low frequency of 125-134 kHz – the cheapest solutions, but extremely small distances. Suitable for access control)
HF (high frequency of 13.56 MHz – the average price, suitable for small distances up to 1 m, for example. Positioning equipment, conveyor systems, ticketing, e-passports)
UHF (ultra high on the 860-960 MHz band – the most expensive option, but less restrictions on distances up to 6 m, suitable for identification of goods and packaging)
MW (micro-waves, used to control transport and taxes collected from them)