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Service billing module is mostly used in 3PL warehouses and logistic centers. The module allows easily to manage SKUs of different companies, individual owners, etc.

As financial or ERP systems are different in different companies, the billing module could be used in different modes:

Billing module in warehouse management system must be flexible and appropriately integrated with company’s financial or ERP system.

Integration with financial systems

Service descriptions in warehouse management and financial systems are synchronized automatically or manually (such as code, name, unit price, the unit concerned). At the same time, additional parameters (eg the method of calculation, frequency) must be reported into the warehouse management system service card.

If a simple accounting mode is used the warehouse management system keeps only records of service levels and transmits them to financial system for further processing. However, if an invoice should be provided immediately or it is necessary to specify any additional information that is not in financial system, invoices could be formed in the warehouse management system. In this case, the invoiced data is sent to financial system.

Registering provided services

Depending on the customer and service card settings, provided services, quantities could be calculated automatically, semi-automatically and manually. Usually storage services are calculated automatically. Semi-automatic – direct shipping and other warehouse services. Various non-systemic services are recorded manually. Provided services are grouped into sales orders. If a subcontractor is set while registering services, service purchase orders could be formed.

Preparing invoices

Depending on the total system and the client card configuration, an invoice can be tuned automatically (on the order laid down by the end of the month or day) or manually.

Valid invoice can be send by e-mail.