Cross-dock – is a warehouse distribution process that ensures the received merchandise is directed straightly to shipping area. Storage areas, zones or places are totaly avoid. From the shipping area the merchandise is delivered directly to customers.
Equinox has a Cross-dock solution that optimizes work, as there is no need to move or transfer the merchandise to and from storage areas. The solution is very useful while reducing inventory levels. Such Cross-dock process management solution is a must in Just-in-time (JIT) warehouses or transmission distribution centers with quick moves.
The Cross-dock management solution is dedicated to merchandise, that is prepared for distribution by suppliers and to those that must be distributed inside a warehouse. Cross-dock system could be a part of Vision WMS or integrated with sorting systems – Scree2Sort, Scan2Sort, Touch2Sort, Put2Light, that optimize your products and logistic orders. The system is used by retailers, wholesalers, distribution and transit warehouses.
„Opportunistic” cross-dock solution (during receiving process the system indicates the products that must be moved to shipping area) is suitable to all types of warehouses. Cross-dock merchandise flows could be effectively combined (consolidated) with already picked or sorted items.
Equinox Cross-dock system supports any type of products or packages. Wireless technology enables all warehouse areas as working zone. No specific working places are needed. Precise, operative and order state information is available.
Examples of implementation: