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LITHUANIAN POST logistics center – EQUINOX automated solutions

« Wszystkie aktualności 2020-01-13

On the 23rd of September, 2019, Lithuanian post and Equinox Europe signed two agreements in order to automate the process of parcels distribution in the new main logistics center of Lithuanian post in Vilnius city. The automated solution includes two sorting machines: one for distributing small parcels up to 5 kg, the other for distributing larger parcels up to 30 kg.

We are excited about the new project and the opportunity to contribute to the expansion of innovation in Lithuanian post. Equinox automated equipment for distributing parcels will solve a major customer’s problem – currently all parcels are distributed manually, and this greatly affects time costs and the probability of errors. Equinox solutions will automate the process of parcels distribution – operations will become much simpler and faster, it means that the supply chain will be significantly shorter, therefore the addressee will receive the parcel much faster, also, the quality of customer service will improve, as well as, the working conditions of the personnel involved in the distribution process.

It is scheduled to complete the automation of parcels distribution by 2020 before Christmas peak.